US Association of Independent Publishers names new Board

The US Association of Independent Music Publishers has announced a new national Board of directors, based in Los Angeles, as well as new Boards for its New York and Nashville ‘chapters’ for the 2015-2016 term.

The national officers are: Michael Eames/PEN Music Group (President); Teri Nelson Carpenter/Reel Muzik Werks, LLC (Vice President); Barbie Quinn/BMI (Executive Director); David Weitzman/ole (Secretary); and Cedar Boschan/Green Hasson Janks (Treasurer).

New national directors Timothy A. Cohan, Esq./peermusic, Carianne Marshall/SONGS Music Publishing and Jake Wisely/The Bicycle Music Company join returning directors Todd Brabec, Esq./, Linda Gallico/Realsongs, Jeff Jernigan/ASCAP, Sam Kling/SESAC,Linda A. Newmark, Esq./Universal Music Publishing Group and Susan Slamer/Sony Pictures.

Chapter officers in New York are: Caroline Bienstock/Carlin America, Inc. (Executive Director),Arthur Levy, Esq./Spirit Music Group (Secretary) and Steven White, CPA/Janover, LLC (Treasurer).

Directors in New York are: Philip Cialdella/Wonderlous Music, Alisa Coleman/ABKCO Music, Inc., Joyce Dollinger, Esq./ Dollinger, Gonski and Grossman, Julie Lipsius/Lipservices, Mary Beth Roberts/High Standards Unlimited, Debbie Rose/Shapiro Bernstein, & Co., Michael Simon/Harry Fox Agency, Mark Spier/Memory Lane Music Group and Richard Stumpf/Atlas Music Publishing (pictured).

Chapter officers in Nashville are: Marc Driskill/Sea Gayle Music (Executive Director), Denise Nichols/The Primacy Firm, LLC (Secretary) and Ree Guyer Buchanan/Wrensong (Treasurer).

Directors in Nashville are: John Allen/New West Records, Craig Currier/peermusic, Tim Fink/SESAC, Michael Martin/ ASCAP, Kim McCollum/Words & Music, John Ozier/ole andRandy Wachtler/Warner-Chappell Production Music.

The Association of Independent Music Publishers (AIMP) is a non-profit organisation that serves independent music publishers and other music industry professionals. With chapters in Los Angeles, New York and Nashville, the AIMP informs members of challenges and opportunities facing the music publishing industry through monthly panels and special events.Music Business Worldwide

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