Music Rights Australia launches to boost music business

ARIA and APRA AMCOS have announced that their joint venture body MIPI has been renamed Music Rights Australia.

The organisation is a joint venture between the Australian recorded music sector (represented by the Australian Recording Industry Association – ARIA) and Australian songwriters, composers and music publishers (represented by the Australasian Performing Right Association Ltd – APRA and the Australasian Mechanical Copyright Owners’ Society Limited – AMCOS), representing more than 70,000 songwriters, composers, music publishers and record labels.

Music Rights Australia General Manager Vanessa Hutley (pictured) said that while the group’s name had changed, its core values remained.

“MIPI has always focused its efforts on the three core areas of advocacy, education and protection to highlight the valuable contribution that music labels and publishers make to the Australian economy through their investment in new and emerging talent,” Ms Hutley said.

“We feel that Music Rights Australia captures those three areas of focus and is more representative of the breadth of our ongoing work”.

“We are also are excited about the launch of our new website, which we hope will be a helpful reference point for those looking for information on copyright relating to the use of music”.

MUSIC RIGHTS AUSTRALIA aims to ensure that the works created by its music industry stakeholders are respected and appropriately rewarded and protected. It also seeks to improve the awareness of intellectual property rights among music fans and the wider Australian community.Music Business Worldwide

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