Merchbar launches ‘Hot Merch’ Charts

Online merchandise retailer Merchbar has launched a new chart to show its most popular items: the Merchbar Hot Merch Charts.

The chart incorporates information from several sources to crown the hottest artists and merchandise overall and across five different genres.

“The Merchbar Hot Merch Chart is so valuable because we’ve started from scratch to create merch rankings that aren’t just relevant, reliable and comprehensive for artists and the industry but interesting and fun for fans. Creating a ranking of merchandise is a unique problem because you have to balance several factors that don’t come in to play in album sales, radio listens or streams,” Edward Aten, Merchbar’s Founder & CEO, said in a statement.

“Our charts balance item prices, sales volumes and number of items for sale across a variety of networks to create something comprehensive and indicative of the overall merchandise market.”

A unisex Foo Fighters tee is the first No.1 on the new chart, which you can check out through here.

Merchbar’s data draws from sales of its large ‘catalogue’ – 100,000 items from over 5,000 different artists.

The rankings take into account sales on, the Merchbar iPhone App, data from search and social networks, third-party sales and other data sources.

“Not only do we already have the largest catalogue of new and official merchandise anywhere in the world by far, we are continually adding more artists to the platform including Jerry Garcia, Austin Mahone, Anthrax, Dolly Parton, Journey and others in just the last 30 days. It’s hard to say we are at the beginning when we already have such broad and unique partnerships, but there are several announcements on the horizon we think fans will be very excited about.” Aten said.Music Business Worldwide

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