Kobalt: ProKlaim has rocketed YouTube revenue for artists

ProKlaim is at the centre of Kobalt’s technological integration with YouTube – it’s the rights company’s advanced detection platform. And Willard Ahdritz, Founder and CEO of Kobalt Music Group (Kobalt) said today that thank to this tech, the the company has now managed to match over 50 million videos to date and over 1 billion YouTube streams per month.

ProKlaim taps into YouTube’s own in-house fingerprinting technology to match copyright information with unclaimed YouTube UGC videos featuring music.

“Our mission has always been to help artists and songwriters maximize their digital revenue,” said Ahdritz. “Our technical integration with YouTube now allows us to do that in a groundbreaking way.

“We’ve been able to deliver 100% of Kobalt’s eligible catalog to YouTube with an extended range of high quality metadata for each song that enables much faster, more efficient content matching and reporting. It also enables us to deliver daily automated feeds of updated new, claimed and blocked content to ensure we are quickly resolving any rights conflicts for our clients.”

He added: “One hit song can generate up to 50,000 user-generated videos, many of which remain unclaimed by its proper rights owners.

“With the launch of ProKlaim, we are seeing a phenomenal increase in the speed and accuracy in which we find and claim missing content. Kobalt is now processing over 1 billion streams per month, and this is only the beginning!”

The announcement comes just under a year since the company debuted its Kobalt Portal, an advanced analytics engine that provides  live online reporting to clients, including data on YouTube video streams and their respective income.Music Business Worldwide

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