Instagram launches @Music account to boost emerging artists

Facebook-owned Instagram has launched a new channel designed to boost both established and emerging music artists.

@Music will be an official home for ‘the musical experience on Instagram’, highlighting what musicians are up to on the photo-driven social network.

Kevin Systrom, Founder and CEO of Instagram said:  The music community is – and always has been – an important part of Instagram.

“For the past four years, we have become the home for artists big and small – a place where people across the musical spectrum come to share stories, reveal their creativity and connect directly with fans.

“Today we’re launching @music, a new account dedicated to exploring music around the globe, from those who create it to the community around it.

“Each week, we’ll take a look at the musical experience on Instagram. That means showing you a different side of artists you know and love, like Questlove (@questlove), and introducing you to up-and-coming talents from around the world, like Tricot (@ikkyu193).

“It means highlighting music photographers, album illustrators, instrument makers and, of course, fans. In the Instagram tradition, we will also welcome community participation with a new, music-themed monthly hashtag project.”

“Music is a huge part of all of our lives here at Instagram. It’s a passion of ours, and we know it’s a passion of yours. So follow along at @music – we think you’ll discover something new.”

Questlove has already given an exclusive interview to Instagram, which boasts more than 300m active users.Music Business Worldwide

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