HMV now the No.1 physical music retailer in the UK

The resurgent HMV is now bigger than Amazon when it comes to CD and vinyl sales in the UK.

That’s according to its owner, Hilco Capital, which has announced healthy Christmas trading stats – which help power some impressive full-year numbers.

The firm said that HMV’s like-for-like sales of CDs rose by 1.5% during the whole of 2014. Sales of vinyl albums leapt 170% to the highest levels since the mid-1990s.

HMV’s annual like-for-like DVD and BluRay sale also rose 0.5%, despite a wider market decline.

Total sales for HMV in 2014 reached £365.7m.

The retailer says it did especially well in the two weeks before Christmas, accounting for 1 in 3 DVD or CD sold in the country, making it the UK’s largest physical music and film retailer.

Paul McGowan, chief executive of Hilco, said: “HMV has captured more and more market share in a year when major new movie releases have been scarce and there have been only a few major album successes.

“With a bumper year of new releases already planned for 2015 we expect to have overall growth in like-for-like DVD and BluRay sales as well as continued growth in the physical music sector with vinyl also expected to continue its revival.”Music Business Worldwide

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