CM Murphy inks agreement with UMPG

INXS manager Chris ‘CM’ Murphy – along with his Murphy Rights Management (MRM) business – has signed an exclusive administration deal with Universal Music Publishing (UMPG).

MRM is headquartered in Sydney, Australia but aims to build a roster from across the globe. The first signing is the up-and-coming Australian rock band, Lepers and Crooks.

As part of the new initiative with UMPG, MRM will secure both publishing and master recording rights for artists whose publishing they handle.

CM Murphy started his career as an agent in his home country of Australia in the early ’70s. From there he discovered and managed INXS to become one of the biggest bands in the world.

Murphy ventured in magazine publishing and ownership of radio stations in the late ’90s before launching one of the first digital radio stations via his Digital One Group.

In 2004 Murphy launched Petrol Records, releasing chart topping compilations and world music.

Since re-establishing his working relationship with INXS five years ago, Murphy has re-invented their brand, with new compilations and album releases featuring guest vocalists interpreting INXS songs.

“Chris Murphy is a true force of nature, whose passion and commitment to his artists and their music are second to none, said Zach Horowitz, Chairman/CEO of UMPG.

“He’s never been afraid to break the mold—all the more important in today’s ever-changing marketplace where developing artists requires fresh approaches and cutting edge creative solutions. We couldn’t be more excited to be in business with him and his team.”

“I’m thrilled to be expanding my relationship with Zach and UMPG, which started with INXS last year and will now include a host of new initiatives in publishing – as we find and break the artists of tomorrow,” said CM Murphy.

“At Murphy Rights Management we’re dedicated to delivering to our clients and partners truly innovative ways to help them achieve success via management of their creative and commercial rights.

“This includes tailor made strategies that exploit the wealth of new opportunities in social media, movies, television, theater, fashion and gaming—all critical to maximizing the rights we’ll acquire for our new publishing company and the services we’ll provide for our clients”

Murphy recently orchestrated a top rated television mini-series based on the story of INXS, has a theatrical musical in the works, a documentary and a motion picture all in development.

“MRM is about quality and music that withstands the test of time,” said Murphy. We’ll be selective about what we sign but once we find something we’re passionate about, our philosophy is to use every tool at our disposal to maximize opportunities. No wall is going to get in our way.” Music Business Worldwide

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