Britney Spears gets her own mobile game from Kim Kardashian: Hollywood creator

Britney Spears is to get her own dedicated mobile game, due for release in the first half of 2016 – from the creators of a Kim Kardashian title that turned over $43m in its first three months.

Glu Mobile Inc has signed a five-year licensing term with Spears, with the possibility of a three-year extension.

The game will feature the voice, likeness, and ‘creative influence’ of Spears, ‘allowing players to interact with Britney and experience the glitz and glamour of the entertainment business’.

Earlier this year, US-based Glu signed a similar deal with Katy Perry, for a title due for release in iOS and Android later this year.

Since Kim Kardashian: Hollywood was launched by Glu in June 2014, the game has generated close to $100m in revenue. Free to download, users can upgrade their experience with paid-for in-game items.

“I am thrilled to add Grammy Award-winning legend Britney Spears to Glu’s growing list of partners as we continue to expand our celebrity gaming platform,” said Glu Chairman and CEO, Niccolo de Masi.

“We anticipate the title resonating tremendously with Ms. Spears’ nearly 90 million multi-generational social followers around the world.”

To date, Grammy-winning Britney Spears has sold over 100 million albums worldwide.

For the past two years, Britney Spears has performed as the resident headliner at Planet Hollywood’s Axis Theater in Las Vegas.

Glu says that the addition of Spears to its licensed roster means that its ‘celebrity gaming platform’ is now associated with more than 400 million total social media followers.Music Business Worldwide

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