Glassnote publishing company Insieme extends UMPG deal

Insieme Music Publishing, formerly known as Four Song Night Publishing, has extended its exclusive publishing administration agreement with Universal Music Publishing (UMPG).

Insieme is a sister company to Glassnote Records, the hugely successful US independent co-founded by Daniel Glass.

UMPG will continue to administer the publishing rights of the existing catalog of songs that Insieme controls through Insieme Music Publishing as well as future works for the world (excluding Australia/New Zealand, Republic of Fiji and Papau New Guinea).

The catalogue features the newest addition to Glassnote Records and Insieme Music Publishing, Panama Wedding, led by Peter Kirk (pictured).

“There is no one more innovative than Daniel Glass and his team when it comes to breaking boundaries and supporting artists for who they truly are. We really look forward to continuing our great partnership with Daniel, Chris Scully, Brandon Haas and everyone on the Insieme Music Publishing team,” said Evan Lamberg, President of North America, UMPG.

“We are all thrilled to continue working with Evan Lamberg, Paul Connolly and their excellent creative, licensing and administrative departments,” said Brandon Haas, Head of Publishing, Insieme Music Publishing.

The Insieme Music Publishing catalogue, which UMPG will continue to administer, features songs by popular artists and songwriters including Panama Wedding, Deap Vally,Jeremy Messersmith, Robert DeLong, Half Moon Run, GIVERS, Cara Salimando and Oberhofer.

Upcoming releases by Insieme Music Publishing songwriters include Jeremy Messersmith’s album Heart Murmurs, which will be released on February 4th, 2014.

UMPG also has direct publishing agreements with a number of Glassnote Records’ most popular and successful artists, including Mumford & Sons, Chvrches, Childish Gambino, and Daughter.Music Business Worldwide

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