Buddy Holly widow entrusts BMG with artist’s rights

BMG has agreed the acquisition of all the rights in the seminal Buddy Holly catalogue, controlled by his widow Maria Elena Holly.

Maria Elena Holly has been the custodian of her husband’s legacy ever since his tragic death at the age of 22 in a plane crash on 3 February 1959 – immortalized by Don McLean in ‘American Pie’ as “the day the music died”.

In 2010 she co-founded with Englishman Peter Bradley Senior The Buddy Holly Educational Foundation.

Maria Elena Holly said, “For almost 60 years Buddy’s loving fans and I have worked to bring his creativity to successive generations of fans and I have been looking for a steward to lead those efforts into the future.

“I am very happy to announce that I have entrusted Buddy’s legacy to BMG.”

The deal comprises three separate elements of the Buddy Holly catalogue:

  • US music publishing rights in virtually every song written by Buddy Holly including  classics ‘Everyday’, ‘Peggy Sue’, ‘That’ll Be The Day’, ‘Words Of Love’, and ‘Not Fade Away’;
  • Royalties due throughout the world on sales of Buddy Holly recordings as well as his writer’s share of publishing royalties;
  • All of the rights in Buddy Holly’s name, image and likeness.

Buddy Holly is acknowledged as one of the most influential figures in popular music history. The Beatles famously named themselves in tribute to Holly’s band, The Crickets. Bob Dylan, Mick Jagger, Keith Richards, Elton John, Eric Clapton and Bruce Springsteen have all acknowledged their debt to Holly.

Laurent Hubert, President Creative & Marketing, BMG US who will now join the board of The Buddy Holly Educational Foundation said, “Buddy Holly is truly one of the founding fathers of rock and roll.

“What is all the more extraordinary is that he completed this tremendous body of work by the time he was 22.

“Maria Elena and the music community can be assured that BMG takes its responsibility to preserve and develop the Buddy Holly legacy extremely seriously.”

Stephen Easley, Counsel to Mrs. Holly and The Buddy Holly Educational Foundation said, “We are particularly pleased that BMG will join with Maria Elena and The Buddy Holly Educational Foundation to further Buddy’s legacy and Buddy and Maria Elena’s dream to promote musical education for all young people, regardless of creed, income or ethnicity.”

BMG Executive Vice President Client Services David Hirshland said, “Buddy Holly represents the birth of rock and roll and has always been an American hero for pushing the boundaries of the popular songbook.

“‘Everyday’, ‘That’ll Be The Day’, ‘It’s So Easy’, ‘Not Fade Away’ and other masterpieces form the foundation of generations of rock bands, from The Beatles to the present day.

“We couldn’t be prouder to be represent his body of work and his legacy which Maria Elena has worked so hard to preserve.”Music Business Worldwide

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