Richard Conlon becomes Special Advisor to UMPG

Richard Conlon, former Senior Vice President of Corporate Strategy, Communications & New Media for Broadcast Music, Inc. (BMI), has been hired as a Special Advisor on Performing Rights at Universal Music Publishing (UMPG).

Reporting to Michael J. Sammis, UMPG EVP Operations and CFO, and David Kokakis, SVP/Head of Business & Legal Affairs and Business Development, Conlon will advise the company on matters related to advocating, protecting and maximising the value of performing rights on behalf of UMPG and its songwriters.

“It is, indeed, an interesting time in the evolution of the performing rights business and Richard’s expertise in developing systems and strategy will be extremely valuable towards maximizing the value of performing rights for UMPG and its songwriters,” said Sammis.

Conlon spearheaded BMI’s digital new media licensing divisions and directed global communications efforts. During his more than 20 years with the performing rights organisation, he launched both the corporate strategy and digital business units, licensing the rights to more than 8.5 million musical works and generating hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue.

Conlon also managed negotiations with industry leading digital properties ranging from YouTube to Spotify, Yahoo, MSN, AOL and, to Apple’s iRadio and Pandora.Music Business Worldwide

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